Friday, January 22, 2010

A Voice Unheard

Through thick walls of the membrane
and whooshing, burbling sounds of water
I hear my siblings sharing love and laughter
Playing , cuddling, sleeping
Wrapped in her warm embrace
Rejoicing in her love and tender care

She suddenly sounds cross,
Angry, pained, stressed
wanting to soon put an end to IT
I did not understand at first,
That she meant ME
Slowly, it dawned, after her visit to the doctors,
That I would never see the light of day

Does she hate me so ?
wanting to see me dead,
out of the way?
have I done?
I want to live, to see the world
they try her for murder?
Impose a capital punishment on her?
is she ready to lay down her life for my siblings
Yet, hurriedly trying to snatch mine away?

She will not answer and I cannot hear
I bid her a silent Goodbye.
As bright lights turn on,
She is on the bed, the doctor is touching me
He injects her, she cannot feel me anymore
I feel a hard tube hurting me
Then I slowly fade into an abyss
As I get sucked out
the bond snaps.
I am going, going,
Wont you shed a single tear for me?

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