Monday, February 2, 2009


Softly, they caressed my window pane
Flakes of white feathery snow,
Delicately dancing in their domain
the wind whistling a lilting tune to blow,
unsettle and disperse their route to the ground
compelling the flow to cruise down in a heap;
As dried twigs struggled and swayed all around
While a fresh burst lay in tufts ready to leap.

I did not hear your sweet nothings
Come floating through wisps of blowing flurries;
Your resounding whispers,
Echoed nothing in my benumbed brain;
All I could remember was your footsteps crunching
as the soft snow lay crushed to remain,
beneath the harshness of your feet marching
sifting your emotions from the pain.

Virgin sheets blanketing the frozen grass,
Could not hide the path you tread,
Leaving imprints deep on pure white mass
Showing the supremacy which I came to dread;
Yet, faced the lost broken vision that I once dreamed
Of lasting togetherness, through mystic dreams,
The earth lay cold as she was covered with snow
My heart froze as your silent outbursts did grow.

Through white ice glazing the surface of silence,
I regained my voice to call out to you,
Too late, were the echoes in reaching the fence
Unable to convey my final adieu;
The odds were even, I stood up tall
My tryst with destiny had ended;
Slowly realizing the folly of it all,
Life had come full circle, unmended.