Thursday, December 30, 2010


Distant rumblings of thunder
lightning streaks across the midnight sky
Tidal waves on a tempestuous sea
emotions riding an unknown high

Background scores of a haunting melody
familiar strains of a soothing symphony
Pitter patter of falling raindrops
Smoky illusions of lengthening shadows;

You invaded my solitude
jolted me out of my reverie
intercepted my lonliness,
with a baritone of gentleness

I could hear nothing, see nothing;
the echo of your heartbeats
sweeping through sounds of silence
wisps of mist blocking my vision

Your whispered sweet nothings,
intuitively confirmed deep inside
It was all falling apart, ending
yet, abiding, hoping, for a new beginning

Destiny aborting the harmonious stanza
Inhibiting the bloom yearning to burst forth,
Another dream nipped in the bud
whilst shearing a bleeding stem………..